Brilliant Home Design Ideas for Energy Efficiency
When designing a new home, a number of basic decisions affect energy consumption in one way or another. For example, a square building normally has less wall area per square foot compared to a rectangular building of a similar size. Therefore, it means that a square building usually has less heat loss for every square foot. Additionally, a larger building normally has less heat loss for every square foot compared to a small structure.
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Because energy costs are constantly rising, property and home owners are continually looking for ways of reducing energy consumption. One effective way to bring down costs is by using low HVAC during frigid winters and hot summers. However, this is ultimately uncomfortable and impractical.
An equally smart change is installing energy efficient devices and appliances. Of great importance to note is that replacing everything all at once can be tricky and expensive. Fortunately, the following are some simple ways you can use your home décor to cut back on energy amounts:
Window treatments
Windows are the worst culprits when it comes to your home air leaks. The key to preventing air leaks is replacing old windows. Nonetheless, window treatments are an effective alternative and stylish preventive measure. Light-blocking curtains and shades reduce heat transfers from sunlight. Thick draperies on the other hand can effortlessly hold in heat during winter.
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Wall tapestries
Another worst culprit to energy loss are walls, which face outside your home. This is especially true if the walls are not insulated on the outside. If this is case, then your cooling and heating system will have to strain to work in order to maintain comfortable temperatures. A classy and elegant wall tapestry aids in preventing energy loss while at the same time adding a stylish punch to your living space.
Have you ever stepped onto a tile floor or bare wood during the harsh winter? Non-carpeted floors are extremely ruthless. If wall-to-wall does not complement your taste or is not in your budget, then it is prudent to consider thick area rugs. Thick rugs limit heat transfer. They work as insulators so that your feet feel cozy and warm especially during winter. The rugs also prevent loss of cooling power during summer.
LED lights
The old incandescent holiday lights you prefer using in your home are terribly inefficient. Replace them with LED light strands. On top of using approximately 70% less energy compared to the conventional bulbs, LED bulbs are eco-friendly, brighter, and safer. They are also cooler compared to the incandescent lights. Installing LED bulbs is a walk in the park –extremely easy.
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What is more is that you can connect these bulbs without overloading your wall socket. LED bulbs last 10 times longer and have no filaments. With these bulbs, you can save substantially on energy costs. That is for sure.
In conclusion, contrary to what most people believe, you can decorate your home and still cut down energy costs.
Jenny Richards has been writing on energy saving tips for a leading online magazine. To get more information on cutting energy costs visit .
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242090 - 2023-07-18 05:35:56