Organize A Successful Garage Sale
Having a successful garage sale is a great way to unclutter the house besides cashing some extra pocket money from the sale on things you no longer need.
It is easy to get started by using the suggestions below as a guide.
Sorting & Gathering
Before deciding on the date, go through each room in the house and start clearing out items. Sort the items into different categories like keep, throw, sell, and donate. Gather all goods in the 'Sell' bucket and give them a thorough cleaning. This will potentially increase the chances of sale.
Small kitchen appliances
Generally, almost anything can be sold such as clothing, jewellery, kitchen appliances, electronics, games, toys, etc. However, I personally think it's only fair to sell things that are still in decent working condition except for new unwanted spare parts, or goods with some known issues that require small repair and so on.
Remove labels with personal information
If you plan to sell items in its original box, it is important to remove all personal details from the label. Electronic devices with memory cards should be removed or wiped out.
Set the date and time
Once you've gathered enough inventories for sale, set the date and time. Weekend is usually a better time to get more visitors as people are usually off from work. While it's hard to predict the weather, check the weather forecast report to prepare for the worst condition.
Let the world know
Be sure to inform your neighborhood about the sale. Inform family and friends who might be interested to buy, help or join in the fun.
Label the price
Make sure to price each and every item for sale with price tag and easy to read fonts. Be honest about any broken parts which require some fixing.
Set up
For security reason, restrict access beyond the main entrance to the house. Set up tables in the garage or front yard to display your items for sale. Hang up the clothes for ease of browsing.
Hang up the clothes
Sale Day
Remember to have some cash on hands especially loose change. Keep a list of items for sale and mark the ones that have been sold. Be nice, polite and friendly to everyone.
Lastly, have fun and enjoy the day!
241876 - 2023-07-18 05:27:32