New Ideas for Your Home

New Ideas for Your Home

Posted 2014-05-24 by Colleen P Moynefollow
Luigi Diamanti

When our lives are busy and full it’s easy to take our homes for granted and to stop ‘seeing’ things that need to be done. We are sub-consciously aware that we still haven’t bought a light shade for the bedroom or that the bathroom needs a new paint job – little things that can be quite easily rectified, but we just haven’t gotten around to it.

Think back to when you first moved in to your house and the ideas you had buzzing around in your head. Although some of mine were a bit ambitious at the time, there were lots of simple little things that could be changed or improved that would make a world of difference, and yet here I am three years later and while I've made lots of progress, the list is still almost as long today as it was then. Life got busy and I became used to living with things the way they were.


But here’s a good tip to help you renew your enthusiasm - Spend a day (or a weekend) visiting display homes. My sister and I do this now and then as a cheap and fun day out. Yes, I know it sound a bit odd, but we get a kick out of pretending we are looking to buy when all we really want to do is have a look at the way the homes are decorated. Each home usually follows a theme or a particular colour scheme and is decorated to best compliment the rooms. It gives you an idea of what the current trends are and how you can achieve a great look in a really simple way.


We visited a few homes this past weekend and while we only got around to about eight houses, I came home brimming with ideas that I can use in my own home that won’t cost much at all. I also picked up a few ideas for simple artworks I can create myself for my walls. It doesn't take great artistic talent – just a clever idea. I took my camera and snapped a few pictures which I then spent last night putting into an ‘ideas’ file on the computer. I also Googled some costs and places that might stock some of the things I will need.


If you want a more ‘lived in’ look to give you ideas, visit some established homes that are open for inspection. You will instantly find yourself thinking things like, “If this was my place I’d …….” or “That would look great in my place” or “Wow, I never thought of that!” Sometimes we just need a little prompt or even a little courage to try something new.


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