Discover Your Decorating Style

Discover Your Decorating Style

Posted 2013-08-29 by Paulinefollow
If you are planning to decorate your home but don't know where to start and unsure of what your decorating style is, well, fear not as there are no right or wrong decorating styles. Each style represents your character and personality and making your home uniquely yours.

Some of the ways which I found to be useful in getting some inspiration, ideas and discovering personal styles are simple and inexpensive. For example:

dwellinggawker photo gallery

1. Online photo gallery
A good place to start with visual search is , a curated online photo gallery for home ideas and inspirations. Pinterest is another great site. Bookmark or save the photos you like.

Magazines for home decoration ideas

2. Home decoration magazines
Get the latest interior design magazines if you want to find out the current trends and colors. There are also some good articles and guides for reference. For great value, lookout for bundled sale which include magazines from previous months in addition to the latest issue for the price of one. Make a note of what you like and what you don't.

Furniture design catalogs

3. Catalogs
Large stores like IKEA or Howards Storage World produce catalogs periodically. Collect these catalogs and browse through the content for ideas and products you might potentially buy. IKEA has a good catalog design which helps customer to visualize the use of products. Highlight the most preferred designs and products.

Promotional brochures

4. Promotional brochures
Similar to catalogs, some promotional brochures have good photos of interior designs which promote specific furniture or product. Take a note of things that interest you the most. You can also gauge the latest best deal from by comparing brochures from different suppliers.

Once you've identified your favorite designs and preferred furniture style from the sources listed above, then start to compare the similarities in those designs.

Create your own pin boards in Pinterest

This can be done by creating your own personal board in Pinterest by pinning/uploading photos of what you like on the board. Alternatively, an idea board can be created by cutting out the most favorable design from magazines, brochures or catalogs and paste them on a cardboard.

Hopefully this will help you to get a sense of your style and create a cozy place which you can call "home sweet home".


241853 - 2023-07-18 05:26:31


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