5 Ways To Use Clothes Pegs
Most people use clothes pegs to hold clothes on their washing line. However, the humble clothes peg can be used in other ways. Here are five other uses for pegs:
• If you have an item of clothing that keeps slipping off a wire coat hanger, hold it in place with a couple of pegs.
Image Marie Vonow
• Packets of frozen vegetables etc can be kept closed with a couple of pegs. A single peg will seal your loaf of frozen bread.
Image Marie Vonow
• Use pegs to stop the table cloth blowing away when you are eating alfresco.
Image Marie Vonow
• For a different way to display a few photos, peg them to a dry branch in a pot.
Image Marie Vonow
• At Christmas time display your cards by pegging them to the outside edges of your curtains.
Image Marie Vonow
Next time you need to hold something in place ask yourself if a clothes peg or two would do the job!
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